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Starting school is such an important milestone in every child’s life. At Creech St Michael C of E Primary School we take the transition to primary school very seriously to ensure that all children feel safe, happy and settled in their new learning environment.

Admissions Information


Creech St Michael Primary School has a Planned Admission Number of 42 for the year of entry and places will be allocated up to this number. An Admission Limit applies to all year groups. The Admission Limits can be adjusted to reflect the level of resources available in a year group or at the school as well as the class organisation or structure. The Admission Limit for Reception Year to Year 6 is 42.


Creech St Michael C of E Primary School is in an area of much new housing and local schools are quite full and there is high demand.  Please contact the school and we can tell you if we have space. If you would like to visit our school we would be pleased to show you around.  Please ring the school on 01823 442898. 


Starting School


Somerset Local Authority is responsible for co-ordinating all first admission applications (starting school).  The Starting School booklet ‘A Guide for Parents’ is available on the Somerset County Council website.  This sets out the primary admission application process and a range of information about all schools and academies in Somerset.  School place applications can be made online at or on paper application forms which must be returned to the School Admissions Team at Somerset County Council.  These can be downloaded from the website address above or obtained by calling Somerset Direct on 0300 1232224.  Parents are responsible for ensuring they make a school place application by the closing date which is 15 January each year.


The address for Somerset County Council Admissions Team is:

 Admissions & Entitlements Team, County Hall, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4DY.

In Year Admissions


If you are interested in your child joining our fantastic school as an in-year transfer, please contact the office to see if we have any spaces and to make an appointment to visit us. 


Please also find below an in year admission form to complete.

In Year School Admissions Form



If you are unsuccessful in gaining a school place you have the right to put your case to an Admissions Appeal Panel.
