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Farthing Wood

Year 3/4 Spring Term Curriculum Overview

Farthing Wood Class had a great time at Forest School today. Well done to Elsie and George who won the Forest School Star award from Tom.

The children have really enjoyed making their own gingerbread biscuits and decorating them. Hopefully they will have one left to bring home and show you!

The children enjoyed reading the story of Farthing Wood to the whole class using the visualiser

Welcome to Farthing Wood (Year 3/4)


Class Teachers:

Mrs Mellenchip (Mon - Thur), Mrs Linthorne (Friday) and Mrs Perham (HLTA)


PE: Mondays and Wednesdays (please ensure PE kit is in school during the week) 




Reading, Spellings and Homework Letter September 2023

Parents are welcome to attend the parent Drop In session (Meet the Teacher) on Wednesday 13th September 2023 (3:30- 3:50
