Home Page

Who's Who

Chair of Governors

Mrs Annette Cox - Chair of Governors   (01/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)

Local Authority Governor

Curriculum & Standards Committee

Finance, Staffing  & Premises Committee

Pay Committee

Safeguarding Governor 

Please contact through the school

01823 442898


Vice Chair

Mr Chris Pollard (01/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)

Co-Opted Governor [Health & Safety]

Finance, Staffing & Premises Committee

Pay Committee



Mrs Claire Marsland [01/01/2023 - Date )
Head Teacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead
All Committees


Mr Matthew Bowles   [01/09/2021 - 01/08/25]

Co-Opted Governor [Curriculum & Assessment]

Curriculum & Standards Committee

Vulnerable Committee

Ethos Committee


Miss Debbie Marks  (13/02/2020 - 12/02/2024)

Staff Governor

Vulnerable Committee 

SEN Governor


Rev’d Lee Mullen [01/09/2021 - 01/08/25]

Ex-Officio Governor

Vulnerable Committee

Ethos Committee


Mrs Joanne Patten [10/10/2022 - 09/10/2026]

Co-Opted Governor

Curriculum & Standards Committee 


Mrs Debbie O'Sullivan  [01/09/2021 - 01/08/25]

Elected Parent Governor

Pay Committee

Finance, Staffing & Premises Committee 


Mrs Alison Turner (30/11/2020 - 29/11/2024)

Foundation Governor

Ethos and Vulnerable Committee

Finance, Staffing & Premises Committee 


Mrs Tracey Wadham [04/01/2023 - 03/01/2027]

Elected Parent

Curriculum & Standards Committee 


