The wearing of school uniform is school policy and has the support of governors and parents. We feel that a school uniform supports a shared, community feel to the school. As part of Creech St Michael School policy and ethos, every child should wear the school uniform and P.E. kit. We reserve the right to forbid items of clothing, accessories and footwear that we deem to be dangerous in school to the individual or others.
Creech St Michael’s colour is navy blue. Items marked with* are available with our embroidered school logo. .
School clothes without the school logo which are sold in high street stores are acceptable, provided they are in the school colours.
Creech St Michael School Uniform
Navy Sweatshirt, Jumper or Cardigan*
White polo shirt* or white traditional style shirt or blouse
Black or grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
Plain white, black, grey or navy socks/tights
Black or brown shoes (no boots or trainers)
Warm Weather Options
Blue and white gingham dress
Black or grey shorts
White short-sleeved shirt/polo shirt*
P.E. Kit
For health and safety reasons, pupils are expected to remove earrings and watches, and change form school uniform into:
White P.E. t-shirt*
Navy shorts/gym skirt/leotard
White or black daps/plimsolls for indoor P.E.
Trainers are only acceptable for outdoor P.E. activities
Navy blue tracksuits may be worn for outdoor games.
Hair Styles
Hair should be neat, tidy and natural in style and colour.
Long hair needs to be tied back to promote hygiene and avoid accidents.
Hairbands and slides are permitted but please can they be in school colours.
Items of jewellery, including bracelets and rings should not be worn. For children with pierced ears, only small single studs are acceptable. For health and safety reasons, earrings must be removed for PE and after school sports clubs. If your child is unable to remove their own earrings, on PE days they should be removed at home before the child comes into school. Children are allowed to wear a watch to school, which also must be removed for PE and after school sports clubs. SMART watches are not to be worn in school.
Purchasing School Uniform
School uniform can be purchased via the following:
My Clothing
Website: My Clothing
*Currently they have a discount code valid until the end of March 2025. The discount code is: UNIFORM10%
South West School Wear
Website: Home - South West Schoolwear
Taunton shop: 01823 278080 144B East Reach, Taunton TA1 3HT
Bridgwater shop: 01278 420618 16, Eastover, Bridgwater TA6 5AB
Supermarkets/High Street
For non-logo items, most supermarkets sell school uniform.