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The Shire

Welcome to The Shire (Year 4/5)



Spelling tests will take place on a Monday and the children will have a Spelling Overview that will contain all of their spellings for each half term and detail the date of each test. In the front of your child’s homework book is a bank of activities to help your child memorise their spellings – your children should do one of these activities each week, recorded in their homework book.



Weekly maths homework will be set on Google Classroom. The children will need to write their workings out/answers into their blue homework book – there is no need to submit anything on Google Classroom. 


TT Rockstars

Please encourage your child to complete their TT Rockstars as often as possible.



Your child will need to record their reads in their recording record (x4 weekly reads), we will sign and check the children’s reading records on a Tuesday.

VR Workshop (The Ancient Egyptians)

Exploring Light

Creating Sculptures in Art

Creating Towers
