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Milne - Year R: 2014-2015

Class Trip to Axe Valley Wildlife Park

We had so much fun meeting lots of different mini beasts. We even got to hold some of them!

We had lots of fun exploring the park, doing the quiz and doing some 'Guinea Pig Fishing' too!

Time to Talk

Please click on the link to find out what we've been up to in Milne Class....
Milne Class have been really busy rehearsing their Minibeast Dance ready for the Primary Dance Festival at the Tacchi Morris on Tuesday 16th June, 7.00pm. Please do all book your tickets asap to avoid disappoinment! 
Summer Term

27th March 2015

Time to talk – what have we been doing?


This week we have been doing lots of activities to help us prepare for Easter. 

We’ve learnt about the Easter story and we’ve been thinking about how our families will celebrate this special time.  On Monday we made some Easter cakes – thank you to the mums who came in to help us!  It was lovely to walk down to the church on Tuesday, where we enjoyed taking part in the exciting activities they had prepared for us.


We are continuing to learn the story of The Little Red Hen and we’re becoming really good at retelling the story using our story maps.  We’ve been trying to add words like ‘Once upon a time…’ ‘…..who…’ ‘One day….’  ‘In the end…’  We are bringing our story maps home, so that we can continue to practise doing this during the holidays. 


In maths this week we have started to learn about more and less (fewer) and we are thinking about which set of objects has more or less.   


Following on from parent/carer consultations this week, we are sending home a Read, Write, Inc. letter mat, which will help children to remember the associated rhyme for forming each letter correctly.  As always, please do come and ask us if you have any further questions.


We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break!

Learning is lots of fun in Milne Class....

Fire Service Visit

We have been learning the story of The Little Red Hen. The children couldn't believe it when we came in one morning.....the tables and chairs were upside down and the floor was covered in seed. We followed the seed trail outside and it led us to our Super grounds area where we found the Little Red Hen on the loose! We managed to catch her and bring her back inside the classroom.

Our Little Red Hen Adventure

Author Week

We had lots of fun during Author week and even got to meet a real author and illustrator. His name was Mike Brownlow and he has written lots of children's books, including Little Robots (which is now on television). The children enjoyed a fantastic workshop with Mike and were inspired to do lots of writing themselves.

We went on a Bear Hunt to Fyne Count

Milne Class went on a bear hunt to Fyne Court. The children found lots of scratches on trees and bear footprints in the mud. After some really thorough searching we found Bert Bear hiding in a stick den. The children decided to bring Bert back to school and look after him in our classroom.