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Reading & Phonics



At Creech St Michael Primary School we use the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme to teach phonics and early reading.

RWI is a synthetic phonics programme which ensures that phonics is taught systematically from EYFS to Key Stage One. Children have 4 x 40-minute phonics sessions a week taught in small groups and their progress is regularly monitored through regular half termly assessments.


Children are introduced to Fred Frog who likes to talk in sounds. Sessions include a speed sound session which means that children read letters and groups of letters effortlessly. They also learn to read and write words by using their ‘Fred Fingers’ to sound out words (sound blending).




The sessions also involve reading books to practise the sounds that they are learning. From Reception, children learn to write the letters following the RWI handwriting rhymes. Children are introduced to ‘red words’ which are the words that we cannot sound out so that they can learn to recognise these quickly. Children are given phonetically decodable books to take home to read and reread to practise skills and develop fluency. They also have a weekly homework task linked to their phonics.


Support for Parents:  this link shows you how to say the sounds.



